Problem in compiling ARM code in Visual GDB

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    I am new to visual GDB environment .
    I want to run arm code in android project in visual GDB, where my C-code call’s the arm function.
    I have created a normal android project as shown in visual GDB site.

    1)The visual GDB is not recognizing the functions names(in .s file ) and nor the arm instructions.
    For instruction it is coming as BAD instruction .
    compiler i missed some compiler option or selection?

    2)Is their any mistake in make file ?

    3) Which tool chain should I use to compile ARM code 4.6/4.8/clang3.3

    kindly do the need full help…..



    1), 2) You may need additional flags or includes in the makefile. It is not clear what the exact issue here is, please post the build log from the Output window showing the errors and a screenshot of how you are calling the arm instructions.
    3) Either of these toolchains is available for ARM and hence will compile fine for ARM. If you wish to compile for ARM only, then change the ABI of the application to armeabi and/or armeabi-v7a. This way the app will not be built for other platforms.


    Hi ,
    i have pasted the .s file,error message and make file…kindly go through the same.
    ARM_ASM_CODE is a macro which switch’s between the c-code and arm code .

    and about the flags in make file…
    kindly check which all flags to be include in make file and let me know….

    plz do the need full help



    Function_1 PROC
    STMFD sp!,{r4-r8,lr}

    LDR r4, [r1]
    LDRB r7, [r3]

    ;some code

    LDR lr, |Table1|
    MOV r5, r8, ASL r5 ;r5 = b
    RSB r8, r5, r4 ;a -= b


    MOVHI r0, r7
    LDMFDHI sp!, {r4-r8, pc}

    LDRB r3, [r4, #0]
    LDRB r5, [r4, #1]
    LDRB lr, [r4, #2]
    ADD r4, r4, #3
    STR r4, [r2, #40]
    ADD lr, lr, r5, ASL #8
    ADD lr, lr, r3, ASL #16

    ;some code

    ADD lr, lr, r12, ASL #24
    STR lr, [r0,#0]

    MOV r0, r7
    LDMFD sp!,{r4-r8, pc}

    DCD array1

    DCD array2

    IMPORT array1
    IMPORT array2

    EXPORT Function_1



    1> [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : jniplayer <= bac.s
    1> jni/jniplayer/bac.s: Assembler messages:
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(6): error : bad instruction `code32′
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(7): error : bad instruction `area IAREAC,CODE,READONLY’
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(9): error : bad instruction `Function_1 PROC’
    1> jni/jniplayer/bac.s:17: Warning: missing operand; zero assumed
    1> jni/jniplayer/bac.s:23: Warning: missing operand; zero assumed
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(25): error : bad instruction `a -=b’
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(42): error : bad instruction `ldmfdhi sp!,{r4-r8,pc}’
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(76): error : junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `|’
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(77): error : bad instruction `dcd TabLE1′
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(79): error : junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is `|’
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(80): error : bad instruction `dcd TabLE2′
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(83): error : bad instruction `import TabLE1′
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(84): error : bad instruction `import TabLE2′
    1>C:folderProjectjnijniplayerbac.s(86): error : bad instruction `export Function_1′
    1> jni/jniplayer/bac.s.s:77: Warning: partial line at end of file ignored
    1> make.exe: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs-debug/jniplayer/bac.s.o] Error 1

    make file

    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

    include $(CLEAR_VARS)

    ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI), armeabi-v7a)
    #staticlib: $(LIB)

    #CC := armcc
    #AR := ar
    #AS := as
    #OBJDIR_ASM := obj_asm
    ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI), x86)
    LENT_CFLAGS := -DARCH_X86_32=1

    LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../lenthevcdec/ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../../../ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../ffmpeg-2.0/ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../jniplayer/

    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := jniplayer.cpp jni_utils.cpp yuv2rgb565.cpp gl_renderer.cpp f1.c f2.c

    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := bac.s cas.s

    LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -lz -ljnigraphics -lGLESv2 #-larmar_lib

    OBJS_ASM := ${LOCAL_SRC_FILES:%.s=%.o}

    LOCAL_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon
    #LOCAL_CFLAGS += CC := gcc
    #LOCAL_CFLAGS += AR = ar
    #LOCAL_CFLAGS += armcc

    LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := ffmpeg lenthevcdec

    LOCAL_MODULE := jniplayer




    The compiler does try to build your .s file as assembly code, so you should not need any additional flags.

    In your file, you are overriding the LOCAL_SRC_FILES to contain only the .s files and not the .cpp and .c files because you are using := not +=. If you intend to build both assembly and c/c++ files for your app, then the second LOCAL_SRC_FILES definition should use += to append files instead.

    As for the errors in your assembly file bac.s, they seem to be pointing to actual problems with this file. You are using unknown instructions and unknown syntax in this file. You should be using gcc ARM assembly syntax here for gcc to be able to compile this file not just ARM assembly syntax.

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