Problem debugging ESP8266

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Problem debugging ESP8266

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    I am using Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H for debugging an ESP-12E I tried the LED flash iot SDK example the device is programmed but when strts the debugging session get the following:


    Your VisualGDB trial expires in 17 days!
    C:\SysGCC\esp8266\bin\xtensa-lx106-elf-gdb.exe –interpreter mi H:\vs2015\EmbeddedProject6\EmbeddedProject6/Debug/EmbeddedProject6.elf
    Warning: could not set a breakpoint on main. ‘Step into new instance’ will not work.
    Loaded image in 12967 ms
    Cannot resolve the address of _estack. Skipping stack pointer validity check.




    The _estack and main() errors are not critical and can be ignored. They are displayed because the structure of an esp8266 image is different from many other architectures and some auxiliary features do not work with those. It should not interfere with the debugging. Does the LED actually blink? Are you able to stop at breakpoints?


    Doesn’t blink and doesn’t stop at the breakpoints. It ran once and led was blinking but when I stopped and compile the second time I got the message with the _estack error and now doesn’t blink.



    We have just released an updated version of our ESP8266 toolchain with improved stability. Could you please try it and let us know if the problem still exists?

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