Prevent VisualStudio lock up when launching debugger

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Prevent VisualStudio lock up when launching debugger

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  • #7435

    Good afternoon,

    Is there an option to prevent Visual Studio from locking up while the GDB debugger is launched?

    I can normally continuing editing code during the build and during the debugging session, but it becomes a real annoyance when the whole VS2013 IDE locks up while VisualGDB debugger is launching.

    This process takes around 10 or more seconds to complete every time, and I’d like to know if there is an option to prevent it from taking context away from VS2013.




    Normally launching the debugger should be fairly fast, so VisualGDB does it in the foreground. Do you have an idea why is it taking 10 seconds each time? Are you deploying large binaries? Do you experience the same delays with a “Hello, World” project?


    Yes my binary is around 40 mb in size.
    The compilation time is not an issue, but the deployment constantly interrupts me when I’m writing code. It would be really nice to have a feature to launch it in the background.

    Same issue with a pop up window that says “Searchign for a matchign source file” when trying to open some object definitions. The built-in Visual studio search all function is actually much faster than intellisense search.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by dmitryponv.


    The binary size explains the delay. You can add a custom post-build step to deploy your binary and disable the automatic deployment in Debug settings. As the build process always runs in the background, this will move the deployment to the background as well.

    Regarding “searching for a matching source file”, VisualGDB does that when it’s searching for a .cpp file that includes the .h file being opened. Normally it quickly scans all source files for unconditional include directives and picks the first matching one, however if none of the files include your header file unconditionally, VisualGDB will try fully parsing some of the files to find which of them actually includes the header. Is your header directly included from one of the files? Is the include directive surrounded by #ifdef or #if?

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