Prebuilt GNU Toolchains

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Prebuilt GNU Toolchains

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  • #9438

    Hi, I have a few questions about your latest prebuilt GNU toolchain.

    It says GCC version 6.2 but the latest release of GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain from is only at 5.3. Are your prebuilt releases based on this repo? The launchpad release also has a file called newlib.h under include/newlib-nano which is missing is your release. I’m using this file to determine if newlib(-nano) was build with –enable-newlib-reent-small. I was wondering why this folder is missing or if you know any other way to get this info.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by excsniper.


    Our toolchain is based on the regular GCC sources + some patches (see the gcc.patch file inside the toolchain directory).

    Although we don’t ship this file with our toolchain, we have uploaded it to the following path for your convenience:

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