Pre-compiled header commands

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Pre-compiled header commands

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    I’m trying to get my VGDB projects to compile precompiled headers, similar to our Win configurations. I know VGDB does not support pre-compiled headers, and I have read the post from last year here:

    So I take it that it is possible, but I’m not quite sure where to actually run the commands to generate the pre-compiled header for each project (StdAfx.h.gch).

    Is it possible to put the commands below somewhere in the Makefile?
    StdAfx.h.gch: StdAfx.h
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c StdAfx.h -o StdAfx.h.gch
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MM StdAfx.h > StdAfx.h.dep

    I’m new to Linux/gcc and obviously VGDB, so any help is much appreciated 😛



    You could modify the makefile to build/use precompiled headers manually. Add the following lines to it before the FileSpecificTemplates line:

    PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILE := stdafx.h.gch
    stdafx.h.gch: $(all_make_files) stdafx.h
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c stdafx.h -o stdafx.h.gch -MD -MF $(BINARYDIR)/stdafx.dep
    -include $(BINARYDIR)/stdafx.dep

    Then modify FileSpecificTemplates this way:

    $(BINARYDIR)/%.o : %.cpp $(all_make_files) $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILE) |$(BINARYDIR)
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -MD -MF $(@:.o=.dep)

    Note that this solution will have one major disadvantage: The precompiled header file will be shared between debug/release builds, so you will need to delete it before building the other configuration. You can fix it by creating the gch file inside $(BINARYDIR), but then you will need to add it to the beginning of the include directory list and ensure it is always there before the '.' directory.


    Thank you for your help :mrgreen:

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