OpenOCD debug issue

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB OpenOCD debug issue

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  • #21934


    I’m debugging the ESP32 using OpenOCD. I did a program with 5 task created, that works without any problem until I try to insert a breakpoint.

    In that case, I often get an error (Received a SIGINT: Interrupt:

    and my Inline GDB Stub Output:

    cpu0: esp32_fetch_all_regs (line 234): DSR (8000CC13) indicates DIR instruction generated an exception!
    Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x400D2587 (active) APP_CPU: PC=0x80004801
    The target is not in the halted nor running stated, stepi/continue ignored.

    ), the program resets and I find myself in the “esp_vApplicationIdleHook()” task, and I can’t go on debugging.

    The problem seems to be related to the breakpoint stop, because otherwise the program keeps increasing my counter without any error. What could it be related? It seems like a watchdog that can’t be stopped in time.

    Thank you,




    Sorry, this doesn’t look like any known issue, so we can only suggest the generic steps to narrow it down. Please try checking if the problem can be reproduced on a basic LEDBlink project. If not, please try comparing the project structure – the created threads, called functions, configuration settings, etc. until you find the setting that triggers the issue.

    You can also try creating a separate thread with just a loop of sleep() calls and see if setting breakpoints there works.

    Let us know your findings and we will try to suggest a workaround.

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