Need help with Adjusting Softdevice Memory for Nordic nRF52x devices

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    I’ve a nRF52-DK board and using the nRF Connect app on android to test the bluetooth connection to the nrf projects.

    I’m testing different solutions provided by visualgdb and some projects need a softdevice ram modification so I follow this guide

    My problem is that all projects that need softdevice ram modification encounter some error with the bluetooth.

    I’ve no problem building or debugging the projects and the advertising and connection is working fine. The crash happens when the app is discovering the services and “Error 129 (0x81) GATT INERNAL ERROR” occur.

    Anyone know if something more need to be done for these projects?

    – I’ve followed and tested the same project that is used in the guide and I’m having the exact same result as him, but when verifying with bluetooth it’s not working correctly
    – I always reset the bluetooth on the phone between each project.




    Please try updating to the latest Nordic BSP based on SDK 14.0. It contains a few bugfixes, so it might simply fix this as well.

    If it doesn’t help, please try building the project using Nordic command-line tools. You can do this by updating the <Nordic SDK>\components\toolchain\gcc\ as follows:

    GNU_INSTALL_ROOT := E:/sysgcc/arm-eabi/bin/
    GNU_VERSION := 6.2.0
    GNU_PREFIX := arm-eabi

    Then go to the directory of a sample project (e.g. examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hids_mouse\pca10056\s140\armgcc) and build the project by running “make”.

    Finally first try debugging your regular VisualGDB project so that the softdevice is programmed, then replace its ELF file (without extension) by the .out file from the manually built project and try debugging again (select “do not rebuild” so that VisualGDB doesn’t rebuild its project). If the problem is also reproduced with the original Nordic firmware, it might be an incompatibility between your SDK and your device (in our experiments devices bought a couple of years ago did not work anymore with SDK 12.0 and simply buying a newer revision of the board solved the problem).

    If the original Nordic example works, but the same example built with VisualGDB fails, it is definitely our bug and we will definitely fix it once we can reproduce it (or once you could run a few quick tests on your device that will pinpoint the difference).

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