my device not found

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB my device not found

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  • #726

    I’ve run command “adb devices” in cmd, and it shows one device, but I can’t find it in Visual Studio. I know that the device is correctly configured, as in Eclipse I can connect to it with no problem.
    I’m using Windows 8.1, x64, 32bit Java and Visual Studio 2013 with extension vs-android 0.96



    VisualGDB uses the exact same “adb devices” command to locate devices. What is the exact error you are getting while debugging? Please try reconnecting the device.



    No android devices found.
    D:Androidsdkplatform-toolsadb.exe devices
    Command exited with code 0

    But when I start cmd and repeat it, I am getting:

    List of devices attached device

    or when i turn off my emulator and connect my mobile phone

    List of devices attached
    BX902Y69JR device

    I tried also reinstall VisualGDB, but no results.



    This is strange, it looks almost looks like the same command gets a different reply. Hence a few troubleshooting questions below that can help clarify the issue.

    1. When you run the command manually, are you running the exact same command “D:Androidsdkplatform-toolsadb.exe devices” i.e. definitely calling the same adb.exe?
    2. Are you running Visual Studio and cmd.exe with different user rights i.e. one in admin mode the other not?
    3. Is the complete adb log the following i.e. no “List of devices attached” line anywhere: ?

    D:Androidsdkplatform-toolsadb.exe devices
    Command exited with code 0

    4. Are the connected devices sleeping (i.e. screen locked) when trying to debug with VisualGDB?
    5. Which exact versions of Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Platform-tools, Android SDK Build-tools are you using? You can get the version numbers from the Android SDK Manager.
    6. Which version of VisualGDB are you using?


    Hi everyone,

    have you solved this issue already? Today, I installed VisualGDB and I am having the exact same issues Krivers is describing. Even my configuration is pretty much the same (Windows 8.1 – Czech language version btw, x64, 32bit Java, Visual Studio 2013 and vs-android v0.961), so maybe there is a connection.

    Ad your questions:
    1) Yes, it is calling the same adb.exe.
    2) Yes. I have also tried running VS with admin rights, but with no result.
    3) No, all it shows me in the ‘ADB log’ tab is this:

    D:AndroidStudiosdkplatform-toolsadb.exe devices
    Command exited with code 0

    But it shows me this window only when I hit the debug button, i.e. not when I press ‘Android->Open Android shell’ for example.
    4) Tried with both real device and emulator and they were not sleeping.
    5) I am using SDK Revision 23.0.2 (it’s the latest version for now). I usually use the SDK bundled with the Android Studio, but I have tried with the standalone distribution as well.
    6) I have installed VisualGDB 4.2r4 (trial).

    Can you help? Thanks.

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