Minor bugs in fatfs framework

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    I think I found some minor bugs in fatfs framework.

    The check boxes to select “SD Disc IO Support”,”SDRAM Disc IO Support” and other IO support don’t work. I searched them in BSP.xml and it seems that the statements to add support files are missing.

    “ffconf.h” in the BSP folder is added to project. This won’t affect the compilation of the project if everything goes normal. But if the “ffconf.h” in the project file is deleted, the compiler will use the one in the BSP folder. And this may be misleading.(ffconf_template.h seems unnecessary too.)

    Native vs intellisence somehow defines the _WIN32 marco, so many types used by fatfs are missing. And there are errors everywhere in fatfs files.

    The BSP I’m using is STM32 4.5R2. I’d be appreciate it if you can fix them or tell me if I did something wrong.



    Thanks, we have rechecked this. The latest update to the STM32Cube SDKs renamed the sample configuration files for FatFS, assuming that you would rename and copy them to the project directory manually, so the checkboxes indeed don’t work anymore (they only work for including files from BSP). We have updated BSP rules to remove them (will take effect in the next BSP update). We have also removed the BSP directory with ffconf.h from the include directory list to avoid confusion between the 2 files.

    As a workaround, please locate the matching template files (e.g. FatFS\src\drivers\sd_diskio_template.*), copy them to the project directory and add them to Solution Explorer.

    The native VS IntelliSense is known to hardcode several macros and VS-specific features; our best advice is to use the Clang IntelliSense that is specifically designed to work around this type of issues.

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