Looking for some consulting help

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Looking for some consulting help

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  • #30679

    We’re porting an application for one of our oceanographic research platforms from C# to C++ using VisualGDB for the IDE.  We could definitely use some help getting a well structured VisualGDB project up and running and some help writing the drivers for the target STM32H7A target microcontroller peripherals (UARTs, I2C,FatFs, external RAM and Flash., etc.).  A brief overview of the project is at https://www.mbari.org/coastal-profiling-float/ .  Please let me know if you’re interested and we can chat further.

    Cheers – Gene Massion

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by support. Reason: formatting

    Just wanted to clarify that if any of our users are interested in taking this project, please feel free to contact @GeneM.

    We are currently working on a few VisualGDB customizations requested by our large customers and have no resources to take it in the near timeframe.


    Exactly right. Thanks for the clarification.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by GeneM.

    I thought I’d try again to see if there was someone interested in a consulting job to help get us started with a VisualGDB project running on a standard STM Nucleo H7A3ZI-Q board.  I’ve made some progress talking to various peripherals starting with the STM examples on this and other Nucleo boards.  However, I could definitely use some help getting a basic VisualGDB project working on this Nucleo board that talks to a UART using DMA and also implements a FatFS on a SD card with timers that run at the correct rate.  If I got that going, it would be a huge help but there’s plenty of work after that if you’re still interested.

    Thanks – Gene Massion


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by GeneM.
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