Linking problem on rpi

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    Hello, thanks for the great tool.
    I have build and installed libftdi on my raspberry pi. I can run the examples included in the project.
    I can also compile those examples in a newly created visualGDB project, after i add “/usr/local/include/libftdi1” to the include directories and “ftdi1” to Library names, both in the Makefile settings tab of the project properties.

    However, when i try to start debugging, i get the following:

    /tmp/VisualGDB/d/work/projects/Raspberry/src/ftdilib_test/ftdilib_test/Debug/ftdilib_test: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director

    But when i start the binary on the target manually, it works fine.

    I was playing a lot with all kinds of settings, the only way i could make it run is to go to the “User variables” tab of the project settings and add


    That works fine. But i believe it is a workaround and there should be a correct way of doing it. Maybe i could add the -rpath flag somewhere in linker settings. Please advise.

    BTW: I still get the same error message on saving the project settings each time and have to ignore that.



    Most likely your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is modified from .bashrc that is not processed when running commands like GDB over SSH directly (opposed to typing the command name manually in the shell). VisualGDB 4.3 Beta 2 actually detects this condition and configures a workaround automatically. Please try updating to it.


    Thank you, that’s exactly right, i had such a line in .bashrc. The 4.3 beta 2 handles that nicely.

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