LIBSSH2_ERROR_SCP_PROTOCOL while trying to download

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  • #22778



    after setup VIsualGDB for debug raspberry pi with gdb following the tutorial, when I run the debugger i got a window with this error:
    System.Exception: Failed to execute a custom pre-debug action. See VisualGDB Launcher Output for details.
    em uu.w1()
    em VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.x(tw1 a, i2 b)


    And in VisualGDB Launcher Output:

    Found 0 .natvis files in the current project
    VisualGDB: Executing predebug actions
    VisualGDB: Copy file /home/jramos/apps/Automacao/../VisualGDB/Debug/Automacao on to E:\JRamos\Dropbox\Projetos\Automacao\Automacao/Automacao on local computer
    VisualGDB: Error: Error: LIBSSH2_ERROR_SCP_PROTOCOL while trying to download /home/jramos/apps/Automacao/../VisualGDB/Debug/Automacao
    VisualGDB: Executing postdebug actions
    Found 0 .natvis files in the current project
    VisualGDB: Executing predebug actions
    VisualGDB: Copy file /home/jramos/apps/Automacao/../VisualGDB/Debug/Automacao on to E:\JRamos\Dropbox\Projetos\Automacao\Automacao/Automacao on local computer
    VisualGDB: Error: Error: LIBSSH2_ERROR_SCP_PROTOCOL while trying to download /home/jramos/apps/Automacao/../VisualGDB/Debug/Automacao
    VisualGDB: Executing postdebug actions

    I’m using a Raspberry PI 3 Model B, with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and the Universal toochain.

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    This error means that the remote file is either missing, or inaccessible. Please double-check that it exists by running the “stat <path>” command via SSH.

    If the file is indeed missing, please try building the project first.


    Thanks for fast reply.

    I correct the path and now on Laucher Output i’m getting this message:

    VisualGDB: Error: Error: The access to the path ‘E:\JRamos\Dropbox\Projetos\Automacao\Automacao’ was denied.

    I need to give dir permissions from my remote to the the host? Sorry for these kind of questions, i’m new with cross-compiling.



    This looks like a problem on the Windows side (the Linux target doesn’t need to access the Windows paths). Please double-check your file permissions or try using a different Windows folder for the project.

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