LD.EXE: Cannot find -lPL_smallLegio

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB LD.EXE: Cannot find -lPL_smallLegio

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  • #31679

    I am using VisualGDB to compile some ESP32 code. However, when compiling it is complaining about a linker issue.

    c:/users/matt/documents/arduinodata/packages/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc/1.22.0-97-gc752ad5-5.2.0/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lPL_smallLegio

    I am confused because I have the headers and CPP files in my libraries and the project does detect them. To me, it sounds like the CPP isn’t even being compiled, but I am not sure why. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



    This is by design. The project contains an error and VisualGDB displays it. Please fix the errors in the project first, and make sure you can build it outside VisualGDB. Once this is working, the project will work with VisualGDB as well.


    Hi. I can compile the project outside in the Arduino IDE. Would you happen to know how I can fix the error in VisualGDB? Thanks.


    Thanks for confirming your license key, we have linked it to your forum profile.

    Regarding the build error, most likely, the Arduino IDE and VisualGDB ended up using different sets of Arduino platforms or libraries. As multiple components of Arduino ecosystem are managed by different maintainers, some combinations of platform/library versions do produce invalid results.

    We have a very detailed tutorial showing how to capture the build command line from both Arduino IDE and VisualGDB, and how to adjust the VisualGDB settings to ensure it uses the same libraries as the Arduino IDE does.


    I don’t think that is the cause of the problem however. The issue is a poor linker script since the code is being compiled fine. I am getting both PL_smallEPD.cpp.d and PL_smallEPD.cpp.o in the Output directory.


    Ah! What is this doing in the library.properties?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Matt.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Matt.
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    This looks like one of your libraries and not a part of VisualGDB. If it works differently in VisualGDB vs. Arduino IDE, most likely you ended up with 2 copies of it having different versions (or manually edited one of them). Our tutorial on diagnosing Arduino issues explains how to troubleshoot exactly this type of problem.

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