KEIL ARMCC Toolchain Test Failed when Visual GDB New Embedded Project

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB KEIL ARMCC Toolchain Test Failed when Visual GDB New Embedded Project

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  • #23123
    Miao Mico

    Tool arguments:
    Product: MDK Professional 5.26
    Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750)
    Tool: armcc [4d3637]
    For support see
    Software supplied by: ARM Limited

    Usage: armcc [options] file1 file2 … filen
    Main options:

    –arm Generate ARM code
    –thumb Generate Thumb code
    –c90 Switch to C mode (default for .c files)
    –cpp Switch to C++ mode (default for .cpp files)
    -O0 Minimum optimization
    -O1 Restricted optimization for debugging
    -O2 High optimization
    -O3 Maximum optimization
    -Ospace Optimize for codesize
    -Otime Optimize for maximum performance
    –cpu <cpu> Select CPU to generate code for
    –cpu list Output a list of all the selectable CPUs
    -o <file> Name the final output file of the compilation
    -c Compile only, do not link
    –asm Output assembly code as well as object code
    -S Output assembly code instead of object code
    –interleave Interleave source with disassembly (use with –asm or -S)
    -E Preprocess the C source code only
    -D<symbol> Define <symbol> on entry to the compiler
    -g Generate tables for high-level debugging
    -I<directory> Include <directory> on the #include search path

    Visual GDB vision : VisualGDB-

    Keil MDK5 vision : MDK Professional 5.26

    Excuse me, where is wrong?

    This problem is caused by my Keil MDK5 ,or visual GDB ?

    My project has blocked a long time.please help me.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Miao Mico

    ADD ERROR Capture.

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    Thanks for reporting this, looks like our bug. Please try this build:

    Miao Mico

    Thanks !

    My new project comes to life with Visual GDB & VS2017 !

    This is a awesome software !




    And I suggest to increase the release software vision download directory.

    OR will hard to find the lasted software fixed bugs , just like i just access the 5.4 prew 10 via the existing download page .

    Also can access the lasted via forums hardly.

    This is just my advice.



    No problem. We have just released VisualGDB 5.4 Beta 1 that includes this fix. You can download it directly here:

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