Invalid Ruleset Name: ConfigurationGeneral

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Invalid Ruleset Name: ConfigurationGeneral

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  • #32994

    Hi there,

    I’m trying to update an imported Embedded Project using Visual Studio Community 2022 & VisualGDB 5.6 but I keep running into this error:

    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.ArgumentException ——————
    System.ArgumentException: Invalid ruleset name: ConfigurationGeneral
    at em2.SetCustomPropertyValue(String a, String b, String c)
    at z82.b(IVCConfiguration a, ToolchainKey b)
    at xw.p(ph3 d, IProjectEditContext b, Boolean c, KeilComponentTree a, String[] e)
    at x33.t()
    trace=[em2.SetCustomPropertyValue:41, z82.b:0, xw.p:1430, x33.t:937]

    —————— System.ArgumentException ——————
    System.ArgumentException: Invalid ruleset name: Gcc
    at em2.GetCustomPropertyValue(String c, String b, Boolean a)
    at nf.m(IVCConfiguration c, e b, String a)
    at nf.l(IVCConfiguration a)
    at qb2.e(Dictionary`2 c, String f, ph3 e, iu1 b, InvariantProjectBuildSettings d, InvariantProjectBuildSettings a)
    at qb2.j(Dictionary`2 c, String e, ph3 f, ImportedProjectProfile d, ImportedExternalProject a, Boolean b)
    at qb2.f.b_2(r3 b, Object a)
    at x33.f.c_2(r3 a)
    at x33.p.j()
    trace=[em2.GetCustomPropertyValue:42, nf.m:60, nf.l:5, qb2.e:26, qb2.j:206, qb2+f.b_2:271, x33+f.c_2:64, x33+p.j:252]

    I have tried uninstalling VisualGDB & Visual Studio, then reinstalling first Visual Studio w/C++ desktop development then VisualGDB but that doesn’t fix it. Running the VisualGDB installer and selecting repair does not fix it either. Would appreciate any advice on how to fix my installation.



    It looks like the MSBuild logic for the project has not been initialized properly. Please double-check whether you can create/edit a new project of the similar type. If yes, please try comparing the failing project file against the newly created project file.

    If the new project doesn’t work either, please let us know and we will help you narrow this down further.


    I have the same problem while creating a new project.

    I’m a beginner to STM32 and VS and was trying to create a simple project just for testing following your tutorial with one exception that STLink v2 was selected as a debugger (

    On step 12 after clicking “Finish” button in the wizard the following error appeared:

    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.ArgumentException ——————
    System.ArgumentException: Invalid ruleset name: ConfigurationGeneral
    at fu.SetCustomPropertyValue(String c, String b, String a)
    at hi.a(xe2 a, IProjectEditContext b, x g, a42 f, e d, Boolean c, g[] e)
    at lh.n(EmbeddedWizardState a, IProjectEditContext b, rz f, xe2 c, String e, a42 d)
    at lh.DoRunWizardOrThrowException(a42 a, String c, String b)
    at ax1`1.Execute(Object d, IntPtr e, Object[]& c, Object[]& a, wizardResult& b)
    trace=[fu.SetCustomPropertyValue:41, hi.a:404, lh.n:1346, lh.DoRunWizardOrThrowException:652, ax1`1.Execute:210]

    Can you explain, what this error means and what should be done to resolve it?



    It looks like your technical support period has expired. We would be happy to help you, however we would kindly ask you to renew your technical support on the following page first:

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