invalid child element

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB invalid child element

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    I am using VS2013 with VisualGDB 4.2.

    All was working great then suddenly I am unable to build projects for STM32F405 MCU.

    I get messages that there are a number of invalid child elements, specifically TargetPath, NMakeNativeOutput, NMakeManagedOutput and PropertyPageSchema.

    I have opened a project which did build when last opened and tried to rebuild it without making changes with the same results.

    Projects using STM32F051 still build OK so I assume this is a problem with the HAL libraries for STM32F4xx.

    I have also tried upgrading to VisualGDB4.3 Beta1 with the same results.

    Any ideas what has happened?



    This looks like either your project file got damaged, or the VS installation got damaged. Does re-creating the project with VIsualGDB wizard help? Note that the VisualGDB settings are stored in the .vgdbsettings files that are separate from VS projects and can be copied back after you re-create the project.



    Certainly looks like damaged files.

    Re-creating the project did not help.

    I removed VisualGDB and reinstalled.

    All is now OK.

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