Intellisense not working for project

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    I have my project in a mapped drive (z:) and the project is generated via GYP. I have another test project on drive C:.

    The test project supports intellisense fine and my actual generated project does not. I realize this creates a lot of variables so I did some testing to see if I can fix it.

    – Moving my project to the C: drive did not work.
    – I moved the test project to the Z: drive and it no longer worked
    – I tried adding all directories to my intellisense in VGDB and that does not seem to work.
    – I tried deleting .sdf files for both projects and it didnt work.
    – I restarted them after each change/test

    From what I can tell moving the projects breaks intellisense. Would you guys have any ideas?


    IntelliSense include directories are usually stored in the absolute form. You can see the exact form of them by looking at Visual Studio (not VisualGDB) project properties on the NMake page. If they contain absolute paths, you can change them to using $(ProjectDir) or modify them to point to the new location.

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