Intelisense not working for C++ projects

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Intelisense not working for C++ projects

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    I created with VisualGDB a C++11 project with the ARM toolchain for the STM32F411RE.

    I noticed that the Clang auto completer (Intellisense) isn’t working at all in my c++ project.

    If I change it to VC++ it works.

    Is the Clang Intellisense only made for C or also C++?

    And what are the advantages/disadvantages Clang vs VC++?



    You might be missing the “aggressive completion” option (press Ctrl+Space in the text editor and click on the lightning symbol in the completion popup to enable it). If this doesn’t help, please let us know more about what exactly do you expect/observe.

    Generally, we advise using our Clang engine over the native VC++ one, as it’s specifically optimized for GCC-specific code and also provides various advanced features like create-from-use, CodeJumps, instant go-to-definition and mode. You can read more about the Clang IntelliSense highlights here:

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