Import Nordic SDK files

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Import Nordic SDK files

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  • #10356

    Hi, I want to get started with the Nordic SDK nRF51 examples.

    As I need to import all the Nordic files for compilation, I’m searching how to import it properly.

    I found but as I can’t see how to add the Nordic SDK-folder to Solution explorer, I cannot add the files.
    Besides theres ‘add’ but I cannot see ‘add recursively’ using Visual Studio 2015 Community.


    What’s the easiest way to import all Nordic SDK files to use properly with VisualGDB and IntelliSense in your project?



    The “Add recursive” option is only available starting from the Custom edition. If you are using a lower edition, you can add files one directory at a time, or pick the root directory when importing the project.

    Please note that when importing arbitrary 3rd-party code, you will most likely need to configure include paths and preprocessor macros, as VisualGDB cannot automatically guess them. You can find a detailed tutorial on this process here:


    I still didn’t get it.

    The nRF51 is a very popular chip.
    As far as I can see many users on the Nordic forum don’t like VisualGDB in case of the bad support of the Nordic SDK. Maybe a short youtube-tutorial for importing the SDK or a step-by-step instruction would help.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Mikkael.


    No problem, we could add a tutorial. Let us know which project you are trying to import and we will see if we can make a detailed tutorial on that.

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