How to handle Linux projects that require a configure step

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB How to handle Linux projects that require a configure step

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    I’ve just downloaded VisualGDB to try to help me debug an issue with the open source project, qemu. To build under mingw64 (usually MSYS2, but let’s start with this), I need to be able to run ./configure. What would be the “standard” way of handling this? At the moment I’m going to try to run the ./configure step in MSYS2, to at least generate a Makefile that’s close to what I need – but isn’t that going to have the wrong paths set?


    Secondary question: how do you handle dependencies, such as Python when using one of VisualGDB’s toolchains?






    Complex projects like Qemu usually handle dependencies different from each other, so VisualGDB doesn’t provide any special interface for managing them. Hence, the easiest way to debug a tool like Qemu would be to use the Quick Debug feature.

    Another option would be to run the configure step manually, ensure that the “Make” command succeeds from the command line and then import the project as an external project built with command-line tools. When VisualGDB asks for the build command-line, you can specify the following to trigger an msys-based build with the correct environment:

    • Command: <path to mingw>\usr\bin\bash.exe
    • Arguments: –login -c “cd <directory> && make”

    Debugging normally does not require the special environment, hence using the regular settings to specify the debugged executable should work.

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