For any embedded platform

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  • #8388

    Hello support team,

    I am trying to use your VisualGDB in some different embedded platform.
    And I have some issues in each target.
    There are common issues following:

    1) Cannot use the different toolchain on a project basis.
    I choose the different toolchain on a project basis. But it is used every time “ARM in C:\SysGCC\arm-eabi”. So, I shall change the “mcu.mak” file every time. Also, if I choose the another toolchain, the “build” function had fail. However the “rebuild” function is no problem.
    I want to choose the toolchain on a project basis.

    2) Include directry in embedded project section.
    If I set the “include directories” in this section, the Visual studio editor does not find local header files. However in this case the compiling is no problem. But, I shall set same setting to “include directories” in debug settings section after the setup wizard of to create new project.
    Why happen this issue?

    3) Setting the external DDR/SDRAM configuration before program load by JTAG debugger.
    I use the Segger J-LINK on your VisualGDB. The program is running on the SDRAM or DDR SDRAM in some target. In this case, Must be set the configuration registers of target CPU, before the program load by JTAG debugger. So, I shall change the “edp.xml” every time when to use the another target. It is a troublesome work.
    I want to use the initialize GDB command before the program load on a project basis.

    Could you please help me?

    Best regards,



    Please find the answers to your questions below:

    1. We have added experimental support for changing embedded toolchains to this build: Let us know if it works.
    2. The include directories are transferred to IntelliSense settings once VisualGDB performs toolchain testing. If you bypassed this stage, the directories won’t be added. Either way, the build above contains an experimental feature of automatically detecting and repairing missing include paths for both IntelliSense and project properties, so it should take care of this automatically. Feel free to let us know your feedback on this feature.
    3. You can work around this by adding something like “$$custom_pre_load_command$$ to the startup commands in EDP.XML and then setting this variable per project by editing the .vgdbsettings files (inside the DebugMethodProperties element). Let us know if you need more details.

    Thank you for your response.

    I installed the new version.
    But the following exception happens when create new projects.
    Cannot access a disposed object
    Object name is
    Could you please tell me what should I do?

    Best regard,


    I tried to check more deteil.

    Its exception happens when I chooses the “Import a project built with command-line tools” and I chooses many files (maybe over 80) at “Import preserving directory structure”.

    Has this version limited total size or number of file?

    Best regards,


    >>You can work around this by adding something like “$$custom_pre_load_command$$ to the startup commands in EDP.XML and then setting this variable per project by editing the .vgdbsettings files (inside the DebugMethodProperties element).

    Could you tell me the more details?

    Best regards,


    Yes, you can modify the EDP.XML as follows:

            <string>target remote :2331</string>

    Then edit your .vgdbsettings file as follows:

              <Value>echo Hello!</Value>

    This will allow changing the exact command on a per-project basis.

    Regarding the exception with large projects, we have managed to reproduce this and will fix it in the next preview build. For large projects VisualGDB unloads it, edits the project file directly and loads it back to make it faster than adding files one-by-one and it looks like this mechanism got broken in the new build.


    Thank you for your information.

    But I need to set some GDB commands.
    I set multiple parameters to each <value></value> tags, but they are modified to the single parameter automatically.

    What should I do in this case?

    Best regards,



    You can save those in a file in your project directory and then run it by adding one “source <file name>” command to GDB startup commands.


    Thank you for your response.

    The remaining question is following:

    I installed the new version.
    But the following exception happens when create new projects.
    Cannot access a disposed object
    Object name is
    Could you please tell me what should I do?

    Best regard,


    Hello support team,

    Everything works good.
    Thank you for your great help and support!

    Best regards,

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