Feature request: The Go lang

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Feature request: The Go lang

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    Hi everybody,

    I’m using VisualGdb for our embedded system development and it is a great product. I’m currently learning the Go language from google (https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html) and it seems also very nice.
    What should be very interresting would be to be able to edit Go code in Visual studio AND deploy/debug it on a local or target device. the only go IDE which exist with a debugger support for Go is liteIDE (https://code.google.com/p/liteide/) but it is not as good/powerful than Visual Studio.
    There is a visual studio addon which add editing support but no compilation or debug support.
    From a technical point of view the go lang compiler and tools are bases on Gnu gcc/gdb toolchain so it should be “easy” (-; to add this kind of support to VisualGdb

    What do you think ?

    Best regards


    The Go language currently looks more like a research project than a mature industrial tool, hence we would probably not find enough users to justify any heavy modifications to VisualGDB to support it.
    However if GDB can already debug it, you should be able to use the Quick Debug feature or create a custom project to use VisualGDB as a high-level wrapper around GDB.


    Say what?
    Golang is being used in many production environments.
    It is not a research project anymore, and that has been the case since a couple years ago or more.
    Google is using it in several prod environments. Other companies (the one I’m currently working right now is using it for a high performance, high reliability) http server.
    I would say, the only drawback so far is that Golang needs gdb to be debugged properly, so if you don’t have a tool that uses gdb, like VS, then you pretty much can’t debug it.


    Although it is used in many production environments, it is still not as popular as the mainstream languages. Either way, feel free to give it a try with the Quick Debug feature and if you find some annoyances along that path, we should be able to fix them for you.

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