Failuer of OpenOCD

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Failuer of OpenOCD

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  • #20454

    I have been trying to get OpenOCD working on VS_community and Visual GDB.

    After failing last Oct, I am trying again today.

    I have downloaded VS_Community, esp32-gcc5.2.0-r7.exe and  VisualGDB-5.3r8-trial and re-installed everything.

    I created the demo “HTTP Server”, it compiles with no errors.

    When I click Start Debugging (F5) it loads the file but actual debugging is not possible.

    I tried to bypass debugging and click “Program and Start without Debugging”

    This fails every time.

    I discovered that if I unplug the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H from my computer, the ESP32 HTTP Server will run.

    Making any changes to my source code, recompile I can not reload that file until I unplug the ESP32 board, the debugger and shut down VS_Community and restart everything, I may beable reload the newly compiled file.

    So, this is not a viable solution.

    I just wanted you to know.

    Don Vukovic




    This looks like some sort of a wiring problem. Please double-check the power and reset connections and try using a different example (e.g. LEDBlink) to see the exact moment where the board starts/stops working.

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