I believe I followed the instructions to the letter, but when I go to load the driver in the VM from the Host in Visual Studio 2010, I get the following error. Obviously and operator error. :). Can someone point me in the right direction to correct? Thaks
Failed to commit prepared command: This driver has been blocked from loading
That’s strange. Normally, this error happens in one of 3 cases:
1. You’re trying to load a 32-bit driver on a 64-bit machine, or vice versa.
2. Your driver misses a signature (this shouldn’t matter if you have connected to the VM using WinDBG/VisualDDK). Anyway, you can make a free testsigning certificate (more info http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff546236%28v=vs.85%29.aspx), but you’ll al need to enable testsigning mode (bcdedit /set testsigning on).
3. You have copied the driver file from an EFS-encrypted location (the ‘encrypted’ checkbox in file properties). Then, the SYS file in the DRIVERS directory will also be encrypted and the kernel won’t load it. This is very easy to check by right-clicking at the driver file, selecting properties and ensuring that encryption is off.