Exception when adding new python-module

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Exception when adding new python-module

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  • #22978


    I just tried us add a new python-module project to an existing solution. (similar to here https://visualgdb.com/w/tutorials/developing-linux-c-python-modules-with-visual-studio/)

    At the last step (Finish-button click) I get the following exception:

    VisualGDB version:
    ------------------ System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ------------------
    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: input
       at VisualGDB.Common_GUI.WPF.ItemizedProgressWindow.RunAction[_ResultType](cz1`1 action, String title, String caption, zn exceptionHandler, Int32 noFormTimeout, String[] stages)
       at m02.d.m1`1.f()
       at p72.y`1.c()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at p72.e2[_Type](v2`1 a)
       at m02.d.k_2[_ResultType](cz1`1 d, String b, Int32 c, String[] a)
       at VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.Common.PythonWizardPage.ControllerImpl.CheckPython(n3 tgt, String executableName, String toolchainLocation, ModifiedEnvirionment toolchainEnv)
       at VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.Common.PythonWizardPage.ControllerImpl.CommitPage(j1 commitMode)
       at VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.WPFWizardWindow.ControllerImpl.TryPrepareAndCommitPagesUntil(Int32 pageIndex)
    ------------------ Inner exception ------------------ 
    ------------------ System.ArgumentNullException ------------------
    System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: input
       at VisualGDB.Common_GUI.WPF.ItemizedProgressWindow.RunAction[_ResultType](cz1`1 action, String title, String caption, zn exceptionHandler, Int32 noFormTimeout, String[] stages)
       at m02.d.m1`1.f()
       at p72.y`1.c()


    It looks like your technical support period has expired. Please renew your license here and we will be happy to help you resolve this.

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