Please excuse a fairly basic question by a refugee from Windows C#, needing to program a control system in C++ on a Raspberry Pi. I am evaluating VGDB, using VGDB on VS2012 under Win7 with the cross-compiler and then running on the Pi. After a bit of a struggle, everything appears to be working OK.
This is probably as much a question about GDB than VGDB but I shall appreciate any help available.
As one of the first basic steps I am trying to test a custom exception handler to be used throughout the system. (V)GDB appears to issue a signal and stops execution whenever a system exception occurs and control flow never reaches the C++ exception handler, even after clicking ‘Continue’. What I need is for the program to handle all exceptions it is capable of catching without interruption ie using the c++ catch {} rather than stopping on signals.
How to achieve this with VGDB, please (basic steps will be appreciated)? I presumably have a full version for evaluation. Will these steps be available from the Linux version?
Help much appreciated.