Evaluating VisualGDB

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Evaluating VisualGDB

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    I’m new here and I want start with VisualGDB in VS2013.
    So far so good…
    I’m using the m68kelf toolchain and the first what I had to say no devices possible in this case.
    It’s correct ?
    Normaly I can start gdb following:
    m68k-elf-gdb remote target|m68k-elf-sprite pe://USBMultilink/ m5235evb
    In commandline it’s working fine.

    But if I start the debug session in VS the first command -list-Features is unknown.

    How I have to adjust the debug session ?

    Thx a lot.




    As m68k devices are not as popular as the ARM ones, we don’t provide fully-automatic wizard templates. Instead you can follow the legacy device tutorial to specify the flags manually.

    In order to get debugging to work please add the “-interpreter mi” argument to GDB command line (or use the ‘custom GDB stub’ mode if you want VisualGDB to set the command line arguments automatically).

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by support.
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