I wanted to test building an ESP32 blink example but the toolchain creation somehow does not work correct.
I follow the VisualGDB ESP IDF project creation wizard, download the toolchain for ESP32 and select example project blink.
I selected to install python 3.0 for python and VisualGDB installs it in the AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python3
When I try to build the blink project I get an build error “python” not foundĀ “C:\Users\paulh\.espressif\python_env\idf5.0_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe doesn’t exist! Please run the install script or “idf_tools.py install-python-env” in order to create it”
The directory .espressif only contains a single file idf-env.json
I do have a manual espressif installation in C:/Expresif but I cannot not find a way in VisualGDB to change the .espresif path to change
How can I get this to work?