Error message when trying to create new folder via Solution Explorer

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Error message when trying to create new folder via Solution Explorer

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  • #24733

    Hi all,

    I was following the tutorial . I am not able to create a subfolder when i right-click->Add-> New Folder. I got the error shown below.

    I am using VS2017 Enterprise. 15.9.11

    Thanks in advance.


    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.NullReferenceException ——————
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at uc1..ctor(ks a, String b)
    at f91.d(zn1 c, m41 a, String b)
    at tp.c_6(r22 a, Object b)
    at zd.g.Exec(Guid& d, UInt32 a, UInt32 c, IntPtr e, IntPtr b)





    Please try updating to the latest VisualGDB 5.4R5. It includes multiple ESP-IDF-related updates and might fix this issue. If it doesn’t help, please let us know the updated stack trace and we will investigate this.



    It still does not work. I am not able to add a new folder, say subdir123, via a simple right-click in VS2017 Solutions Explorer. However an empty folder subdir123 does gets created in the main folder but visualgdb throws the exception and VS2017 Project tree does not get updated.


    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.NullReferenceException ——————
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at sr1..ctor(qg1 a, String b)
    at k6.a(b61 c, p82 b, String a)
    at c12.b_2(l2 a, Object b)
    at eo1.y1.Exec(Guid& c, UInt32 a, UInt32 b, IntPtr d, IntPtr e)


    A work around would be to go to the main folder in my project directory in Windows Explorer, manually add a new folder called mysubdir or whatever, then go back to VS Solutions Explorer. Then in Solutions Explorer, add a new c++ file by navigating to the manually added folder(mysubdir). Then wait for VisualGdb to update the project tree. gets updated as well. So it is OK.

    Looks like Visualgdb overrides the actual right-click, add new folder code from Microsoft VS2017 and thus throws this exception.



    Thanks for confirming the issue on the latest version. We have followed the steps you described and were able to reproduce and fix the problem. Please try this build: VisualGDB-


    Hi Support,

    It works OK now. Thank you for the new build and support.


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