Sorry about the delay. I’ve been out of town for a few days and haven’t had access to my hardware.
Oddly today, there is suddenly output in the Live Watch window, but it is pretty much garbage. Time flows backwards occasionally and it sometimes shows time stamps in the several hundred mega-second range. There are red bars that show up periodically, but quickly disappear and I am unable to scale or scroll my way to find them again due to the output screen clearing itself.
I set the break point inside the function you mentioned and verified that the rec.Address variable repeatedly hits the address of the function I’ve attached to the profiler. When running a regular instrumenting profiler session, I wasn’t seeing an option for me to switch the Live Watch window to “Diagnostics”. Do I need that special build you posted in this thread earlier? I’m currently running on my laptop and never installed that version on here due to debugging previously on my desktop version.