Disable Navigation Bar in Visual Studio with VisualGDB

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Disable Navigation Bar in Visual Studio with VisualGDB

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    I have installed (in VS 2013) VisaulGDB as well as Visual Assist X (Whole Tomato). The Visual Assist and the native Visual Studio navigation bar are really not on best terms with each other, so when having Visual Assist X installed, one of the bars has to go. Of course the VA bar is better, so I want the VS one to go. In VisualGDB projects, I cannot disable the VS bar for some reason (the option is disabled Extras->Options->Text-Editor->C/C++(VisualGDB)) and the whole intellisense system goes pear shaped.

    So how do I disable the native navigation bar in VisualGDB projects?

    Thanks in advance…



    If you are using the Clang IntelliSense engine, VisualGDB actually provides its own navigation bar that is better than the VS one. If you don’t want to use it, simply disable the Clang IntelliSense via Tools->Options->VisualGDB->General and Visual Assist will taker over. Note that Visual Assist is not as good with GCC-specific header files as VisualGDB IntelliSense is.




    that was it. I will evaluate how the different intellisense systems will do. the thing I like about the VA Bar is the “Go” button, where you can quickly jump to the definitions or implemtations of code items your cursor is at. Anyway, thanks a lot…



    VisualGDB navigation bar also supports the ‘Go’ button. It also parses the preprocessor definitions and allows going to either the definition itself, or one of the functions/types contained in the definition:

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