Debugger session does not work on RP2040 sample project with j-link

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Debugger session does not work on RP2040 sample project with j-link

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    I’m trying to use VisualgGDB to debug on a Raspberry pico board using a SEGGER J-link EDU.

    I’ve followed the steps from and wired it according to (which does not show j-link specific instructions). I picked the hello_pio example, for what it’s worth. The resulting project compiles without issue and can be loaded onto the target, but the debugger session does appear to start properly. The last line shown in the VisualGDB output tab reads “Starting target CPU…”, and breakpoints in the main() function are not hit. Manually pausing the program execution shows the “Frame not in module” Window and looking up the disassembly the PC is at a “WFI” instruction at 0x00000030.

    Encountered these issues with 5.6r2, VS2019 and j-link 7.50. Updated all tools and I’m now using 5.6r4, VS2022 and latest 7.60f from SEGGER. Problem remains identical, hopefully I’ve attached usable log files.

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    This looks like an issue between J-Link and the Raspberry Pi, rather than something specific to VisualGDB. Please consider contacting Segger support or Raspberry Pi community for further help with this.

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