Debug remote Linux Bazel project

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Debug remote Linux Bazel project

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    I have a project in a remote Linux system that uses Bazel as build system and I would like to know if I can use VisualGDB to debug it. I can connect to the Linux server by using SSH.

    I would like to know if I need to download the project to my Windows machine where VisualGDB will be running. Can I directly use the remote server to get the sources from within VisualGDB? Can I set up bazel to be used as build system?


    Thank you




    VisualGDB does not have any special support for Bazel, however you can certainly import the project into VisualGDB in the manual mode (VisualGDB will simply run the specified command line to build the project, but you would need to configure IntelliSense and manage Bazel build files manually).

    If you encounter any issues along the way, feel free to provide more details and we will help you resolve them, however we would kindly ask you to renew your technical support here first.


    Is there any tutorial to import a remote project where the code lives in the remote server?

    I’m happy renewing my subscription but I want to be sure that I can use VisualGDB for my use case

    Thank you


    Yes, please try this tutorial. It shows the GUI from an older VisualGDB version, however is still relevant for the latest VisualGDB 5.5.

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