Customize project structure creation?

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Customize project structure creation?

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  • #9765

    Hey there,

    trying out VisualGDB.
    I have seen in an article on your site that you can e.g. write a C# plugin for RTOS debugging.
    That makes me wonder what else might be customizable. If I can do something in C#, even better, I dream in C# 😉

    Is it possible in some way to modify (gravely) the way the project structure is created when I create e.g. an STM32 project? (currently on my old laptop with VS2010, I guess I could switch to the desktop with VS2013 if that makes any difference)
    I do not like the project structure *at all*, and manually changing it every time is time consuming. One of the things I’d like is to have the stm32 periph lib in my project folder as opposed to somewhere else on the drive. It’s not BOOST, a copy per project (that gets compressed) won’t hurt, and I want everything that contributes to the binary of a project in the same git repo, preventing a lot of potential pain when reviving projects. I’ll spare you a rant about what else I don’t like about the project structure as that’s more a matter of taste than arguable strategy 😉
    But being able to change it would make me very happy! 😉

    – tinker

    As a side note: Have you ever considered splitting up the “every ARM in the world” support package into “microcontroller” and “humongous CPU+GPU” packages? I’m interested only in embedded (MCU) dev with VisualGDB, and am wondering what I downloaded and then manually deleted ~ 2 GB worth of cortex_a** stuff for… Maybe people with TB drives don’t care about blocking 2 GB of their drive for no good reason, my little laptop disagrees, though 😀



    Yes, you can fully customize the embedded project templates, device definitions, etc. VisualGDB stores them in XML files under %LOCALAPPDATA%\VisualGDB\EmbeddedBSPs. While the format is not documented or officially supported, we try to make it as self-documenting as possible and if you encounter any questions with it, feel free to ask for advice and we will point you to the right direction. You can also look through the sources of the tools that generate BSPs for the families supported by VisualGDB – they are available on our Github repo:

    Regarding the peripheral library, you can simply convert your project to a stand-alone one and VisualGDB will copy all the necessary files for you.

    Regarding the toolchain, we want to minimize the amount of maintenance (and possible bugs) with the toolchain, so we ship one toolchain for all supported ARM cores. Deleting the cortex_a directories should not interfere with cortex_m compilation, so feel free to repackage the “lite” version of the toolchain for your own use or share it with the community. Just please change the toolchain ID in toolchain.xml to avoid confusion with the original toolchain if you want to redistribute it.


    Thanks! I’ll try that. May take a while til I get back, but I’m very sure I will remember this when I have time again 😀

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