Custom BSP – Override or append to 'Configuration Makefile settings'

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Custom BSP – Override or append to 'Configuration Makefile settings'

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  • #6931

    Hi Sysprogs,

    I’ve built a custom BSP (board support package) that fundamentally works, however I would like to be able to append or override some of the generated settings found in the ‘Configuration Makefile settings’ section of the ‘VisualGDB Project Properties’ –> ‘Makefile settings’ window (such as preprocessor macros, include directories, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS etc). Everything I have tried so far has failed to make any difference to any of those fields.

    Is there any possible way to do this, other than having to manually edit those fields after creating the project from the BSP?

    The fundamental issue is that I would like to create a BSP that other team members can use to kick start inhouse projects that use an inhouse source library (which needs to be visible within the VS Solution Explorer and not just hidden away in the BSP itself). The inhouse source library is incorporated within a sample template within the BSP.






    The BSP cannot override those settings, however the BSP can define embedded frameworks that can be referenced by the project and the frameworks may in turn define extra files and flags.

    In fact, our BSP-related code is open-source, so you may find some useful examples here:

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