Could we get an arm-none-eabi toolchain using clang, ld, and gdb?

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Could we get an arm-none-eabi toolchain using clang, ld, and gdb?

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    I know that lldb doesnt have support for bare-metal debugging yet, but can we get an arm-none-eabi toolchain using clang, ld or lld, and gdb for embedded projects? clang compiled binaries should be compatible with gdb.



    As Clang is not widely used for embedded targets yet, any custom build we would make would likely trigger lots of bugs that are not otherwise triggered with regular Clang targets. Hence you can try building it from sources at your own risk (VisualGDB should recognize it as a proper toolchain), however we won’t officially support it until it becomes more popular.

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