Clang IntelliSense is acting as if __declspec(x)=x and putting dllimport where it does not belong. I have -fdeclspec -fms-extensions in both my cmake files and VisualGDB Project Properties. Here is the context:
#define Q_DECL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) (qcompilerdetection.h:220)
#define Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_IMPORT (qglobal.h:360)
class Q_CORE_EXPORT QObject (qobject.h:117)
{ ...
The result is:
[Clang IntelliSense] Error: ‘__declspec’ attributes are not enabled; use ‘-fdeclspec’ or ‘-fms-extensions’ to enable support for __declspec attributes
[Clang IntelliSense] Error: redefinition of ‘dllimport’ C:\msys64\mingw64\include\QtCore\qobject.h 117
Please help as this interferes with all subsequent processing of the project.
This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
aronrubin. Reason: Format error
This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
support. Reason: formatting