Clang Intellisense function infos

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    Is there a way to redefine where Clang gets the informations for example a function?

    With the regular VC++ it looks like this if I want to call a function (see screenshot #1)

    With Clang it looks like this (see screenshot #2).

    I really prefer the way VC++ does it because I’m also missing the whole function name with the parameter.

    VC++ gets the information from the .cpp file (which I prefer) and the Clang gets it from the .hpp file.

    My function looks like this in the .cpp file (see screenshot #3).


    My question: Is there a way to change how the Clang Intellisense gets his informations?

    And is there also a way to display the whole function definition (see screenshot #1 first line – public: void BM280::BM280::BM280_Options::SetOperatingMode(…)?

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    Thanks for the detailed description. We are planning to support the display of the function definition (not just declaration) in the popup hints in one of the next VisualGDB releases (currently you can view the declaration, call graph, references and code/data relations). We will post an update here once this is supported.


    That sounds nice!

    Looking forward to it πŸ™‚

    I wish everybody a happy new year!

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