"Cannot load debug method description" error

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB "Cannot load debug method description" error

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  • #27679

    VisualGDB requested an update to OpenOCD and Fast Semihosting when I opened it today.  I did the update but something might have gone wrong since I’m getting the error below.  I can build apps but when they try to download to the target, I get the error.  The Visual Studio Package Manager says everything is  up to date and I used the Windows control panel to repair the VisualGDB installation.  Any idea how to fix this issue?


    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.Exception ——————
    System.Exception: Cannot load debug method description. Please ensure that the required BSPs and DMSPs are installed.
    at wq..ctor(dh f, EmbeddedDebugSubsystemSettings b, e52 d, vh c, GDBSessionLaunchOptions a, ManagedToolchain e)
    at vh.k(dh b, GDBSessionLaunchOptions a)
    at s8..ctor(VisualGDBProjectSettings2 d, gb c, GDBSessionLaunchOptions a, zi2 b, Boolean e)
    at lk2..ctor(GDBSessionLaunchOptions b, ko a)
    at ko..ctor(GDBSessionLaunchOptions a)
    at h42.b_2()
    at VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.a2(ch1 a)
    at VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.Attach(IDebugProgram2[] b, IDebugProgramNode2[] a, UInt32 e, IDebugEventCallback2 c, enum_ATTACH_REASON d)



    Please try updating to VisualGDB 5.5 Preview 4. It will automatically check for missing packages when loading the project and will suggest automatically downloading/installing them.


    That fixed it, thanks.

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