I want test an Android NDK Example with VisualGDB on my Galaxy Note 3 (Android 4.4.2).
But get the error:
GDB Server log:
run-as: Package ‘com.example.nativeaudio’ is unknown
GDB log:
-gdb-set solib-search-path C:/Users/Peter/AppData/Local/VisualGDB/AndroidBinaryCache/242c5076;C:/Users/Peter/documents/visualstudio2013/Projects/NativeAudioTest/NativeAudioTest/obj/local/armeabi
-target-select remote :5039
^error,msg=”Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: No error.”
From visualgdb.com/KB/?ProblemID=nopkg I solved:
– Move line ‘com.example.nativeaudio 10317 1 /data/data/com.example.nativeaudio default 3003’ to top of packages.list
– change permission of /data/system/packages.list from rw-rw—- to rw-rw-r–
I can read it wih: adb pull /data/system/packages.list
If I start debugging, the app starts on the device and I can use it.
But Visual Studio can not connect for debugging
How can I debug on an real Android device?
The simple ‘Hello World’ example I can debug in the emulator.