C++11 and shared_ptr compile error

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    I’ve added the -std=c++0x flag via the VisualGDB Project Properties dialog in CFGLAGS to utilize the smart pointers such as shared_ptr. That gave me access to the std::shared_ptr all right, and I can define a smart pointer like this:

    class CQueueData
    virtual ~CQueueData(void);
    virtual std::string getContentType();
    typedef std::shared_ptr qd_ptr;

    I can define variables using this qd_ptr, and it compiles. If I want to reference a member of CQueueData through the shared_ptr like this

    void CRaceSvr::ok(int child_socket, qd_ptr dat)
    ... dat.getContentType() ...

    I get the error:

    class std::shared_ptr' has no member named 'getContentType'

    If I reference it as


    , the error is

    'qd_ptr' has no member named 'getContentType'

    What is wrong?

    build system: Windows 7 / VS2010 / RaspberryPi
    complete CFLAGS: -ggdb -ffunction-sections -O0 -std=c++0x



    The error with ‘dat.getContentType()’ is by design, as it literally means ‘invoke the getContentType() method of the dat object’ and as the pointer itself does not have a getContentType() method, it produces an error.
    The error with the -> form means that the smart pointer you are using does not define an overloaded “operator->”. Please check the source code of the standard library you are using whether the operator is defined. You can read more about overloading the -> operator here: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/class_member_access_operator_overloading.htm


    using dat->getContentType() is what I expected, but that does not work. In all examples I found using the shared_ptr is that it is a template that should work without defining any overloads.

    Perhaps it is just VisualStudio 2010 that does not implement support for C++11?



    Visual Studio is only involved in IntelliSense; compilation is fully performed by gcc using the standard library that comes with gcc. Please verify that the implementation of shared_ptr that comes with your gcc version has the operator-> defined.

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