VGDB is cool software, but I faced with problem with using breakpoints in LEDproject.
I’m use Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise, actual driwers for my MSP-FET430UIF debugger. But debugging cant doing normally.
I’m cant use breakpoint normally, because when I’m contuine run with breakpoint – program in MSP is not run again. But if delete breakpoint when program is stopped with it and click “Run” – all is Okay.
Screen video you can see for this link https://youtu.be/PTVgx7aZobc .
Screen of error in this picture https://yadi.sk/i/-qRHdUt5iAr3c
Log file: https://yadi.sk/d/cwxuRLX_iAr9e
Thank you, sorry for my English!
This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by