Booting with debugger but not debugger connected.

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualDDK/VirtualKD discussion Booting with debugger but not debugger connected.

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    Hi IM using WinDBG over VirtualKD with VMWare.

    In the past I used to use windbg over com (pipe) to debug guest running inside VMWare. I usually start the guest with the boot option that enables kernel debugging over serial (via pipe) but will not start windbg. The guest system would make attempt to connect to the debugger but it would eventually fail after a while (10-15 seconds) since there is not debugger running. Once the guest is up, I will start WinDBG and refresh. This would allow me to connect the debugger later on when my driver running inside the guest breaks or asserts.

    Now with the VirtualKD I am unable to do this. If the guest is debug enabled and if there is no debugger running, the guest wouldn’t boot. It simply sits at they very beginning. Is there a way to fix this? I wonder whats going on?

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