android kernel

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB android kernel

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    I’m in a Pre-purchase evaluation of this solution, and I’m a bit confused by all of these products here.

    My goal is to edit and build Andorid Kernel on visual studio.
    That should include both compiling on windows (using the cross-compiler for arm),  and deploy using either windows commands or remote ssh commands on an ubuntu vm.
    If the source cannot get compiled using the cross-compiler, I’d initiate an ssh command on the remote and the source will sit on a shared folder between the host and the vm.

    as for debugging, what I currently do (on linux) is bringing up qemu emulator, with the –debug option.
    I then connect to it using the gdb for arm supplied in the prebuilt toolchain of the android package.
    since this is just like any other gdb host, I see no reason not to connect it to the visual gdb through ssh.

    1) all of the wizards in the trial of visualGDB seems not to allow such configuration.
    2) do one need VisualKernel, and what is essentially the difference between the two
    3) does the cross-compiler for arm supplied by visualGDB supports arm64
    4) the intellisense crashes rather fast (during the initial building of the scope), how can it be restarted from scratch w/o redefining the project?
    5) all the custom projects in visualGDB/kernel either assume this is not a kernel project (i.e : app / so / a etc), and those that allow custom makefile project, assume the build is on the remote machine.
    6) kernel builds (either linux kernel and android) requires simply the gnu-make makefile, can the cross-compilation supplied tools on the windows machine implements this makefile or must the build happen on remote machine for kernels?  (either linux or android).


    Thanks in advance,




    First of all, we have to apologize that due to many customizations of the Android kernel compared to the regular Linux kernel, VisualKernel we do not officially support it. That said, if you encounter any problems, please let us know and we will do our best to suggest a workaround, but we cannot guarantee that it will work.

    Regarding the differences between VisualGDB and VisualKernel: VisualGDB allows developing user-mode applications, Android tools and C/C++ libraries used in Android apps; the kernel-mode development is the case for VisualKernel.

    Our arm cross-compiler only works for barebone embedded devices and does not support ARM64.

    IntelliSense is designed to run in a separate background process and automatically restart in case of crashes. If you get the “IntelliSense crashed” message with the dump file, we encourage you to share the dump file with us via the support form. As our IntelliSense is using the 3rd-party Clang compiler, it does sometimes crash due to Clang bugs, but we normally fix those issues very quickly.

    As the normal Linux kernel cannot be reliably build on Windows, VisualKernel does not support it. You can try configure VisualGDB to build it via the “Import Linux Project” option in the Linux wizard, but it will not recognize it as a Linux Kernel and won’t do any automatic setup steps.

    The problem with building the Linux kernel on Windows is that the Makefiles actually rely on building various auxiliary tools that rely on Linux-specific API and won’t work on Windows. Hence VisualKernel always requires a Linux machine to build the kernel.

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