Android is still…..

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Android is still…..

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  • #29827
    Brian Beuken

    Well I had no luck previously getting Visual GDB to build anything with Android and I gave up vowing never to try again..

    Recently though I upgraded my dev system and since it was all clean an dnew I decided to try again… but…no.. Still not able to create or build a project

    After well over an hour of the usual download installs (btw the auto install of ant didn’t work, I resorted to gradle) I attempted 5 times to start a basic NDK project and get these results every time seen in the screenshot.

    It just can’t even start up a hello world… my frustration levels are through the roof..

    What am I doing wrong when I follow every step visualGDB tells me to do?





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    The VisualGDB Android support focuses on a few very advanced scenarios needed by our enterprise users (such as unit tests, management of complex CMake-based repositories and development of low-level Android utilities). If you are new to Android and are just looking for an easy way to get a basic app working, there is no advantage of using C++ over Java, hence VisualGDB does not aim to support this scenario. Please consider using native Java-based tools instead.

    Brian Beuken

    hmmm thats disspointing, I would rather expect it to fully support NDK based c++ dev. I only basically need to create a boot system so I can then do C++

    I did discover I had a version of android preinstalled on my “new” PC, which was outdated and causing confusion,  and once I reset the dirs to point at the latest SDK I did get the sample to build, but not deploy….yet. to an emulator or a device.

    In my case I am trying to set up a project on the Oculus quest2, have you any advice on steps to do that?

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