Android executable project includes directory not working

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Android executable project includes directory not working

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    I have 3 projects in a VStudio solution: GoogleTest, SimpleMath, UnitTestSimpleMath. All at the same directory level $(SolutionDir). GoogleTest is a static library and compiles ok, it has project properties include directories set to another location. SimpleMath is an executable and compiles ok. UnitTestSimpleMath is an executable an it has project includes directory set to use: D:Devgtest-1.7.0include;D:Devgtest-1.7.0;$(SolutionDir)SimpleMathjni;. The code fails to compile. The code is:

    #include "SimpleMath.h"
    #include "gtestgtest.h"

    TEST( testMath, myCubicTest )
    EXPECT_EQ( 1000, cubic( 10 ) );

    int main( int argc, char **argv )
    ::testing::InitGoogleTest( &argc, argv );
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

    Intellisense for the includes indicates the includes are findable yet compilation fails “fatal error : SimpleMath.h: No such file or directory”. I can put the full path in for SimpleMath.h which works but this should not be necessary. GoogleTest needs the includes as full path will not work for this case.

    Even putting the full path use in the code in the properties include setting does not work. It is like the Properties->VC++ Directories->Include Directories is ignored. GoogleTest project is using the same includes as SimpleMath project at seams to find what it needs ok.

    I’m at a loss here as what I’m missing. Any suggestions?



    VisualGDB projects do not use settings specified in Properties, VisualGDB Project Properties should be used instead.

    The include directory should be specified in the file, accessible also through VisualGDB Project Properties->Makefile settings.

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