Advanced (VS2019+) Suggestion Popup GUI Issues

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Advanced (VS2019+) Suggestion Popup GUI Issues

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  • #30639

    I’m having issues with the new  Advanced VS2019+ Completion popup type.

    When hitting period (.) on a structure variable, the pop up occurs correctly. If I then use the arrow keys up or down to select an item, when I hit enter one of two things occurs:

    1. A new line without any auto completion text
    2. The auto completed text is inserted and a new line

    This behavior is different than the Advanced (legacy) version. When hitting enter the text appear always, without a new line.

    I attached an animated gif that shows the issue.

    There appears to be other issues which are more difficult to reproduce. I haven’t kept a list yet (but I will start). Sometimes the item selected is inserted twice, for example. That looks like it is a timing / race condition issue.


    Oops, upload too large. Here is a link to the gif:!AuQSVn-fRqfIgZdndBtZaEpuqk5L_g?e=0TQTnE



    Thanks for reporting this. We have successfully reproduced the problem and fixed it in the following build: VisualGDB-

    If you encounter further issues, please feel free to let us know more details, and we will be happy resolve them.


    The new build fixes the popup issue.

    However, it causes a new issue. The Manage Platforms and Configurations window now appears all the time. When the solution is opened, built, debugged, saved, and closed, this window appears. Sometimes it appears more than once in a row.

    I created a new project from scratch using the Embedded Wizard and the same thing occurs in that project too (NXP MIMXRT1064DVL6A, the ‘hello world’ sdk project).



    Sorry about that. Please try this build: VisualGDB-


    Yes, that works. Thanks for the fast turn around.

    As far as the other potential issues I mentioned..  yes I will report them once I can at least somewhat reproduce them.


    Good to know it works. The new suggestion GUI relies on the new and somewhat underdocumented APIs from Visual Studio, so it may indeed have unexpected side effects that were not found by our internal tests. We will definitely appreciate any feedback on it and will be happy to fix any issues that we can reproduce.

    Edit: we just caught an issue that was sometimes causing the “waiting for the editor operation to complete” window to appear. We have fixed it in this build: VisualGDB-

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by support.
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