Adding External SRAM to Linker Script

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Adding External SRAM to Linker Script

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    I am evaluating VisualGDB right now and am trying to move a Keil project over. Most of the issues have been minor except for a stack/heap issue. In the Keil project I was able to define the size of each and allow the heap to span between internal and external RAM. I haven’t been able to make this work nor have I found a way to explicitly point the stack to the internal RAM. Has anyone tried this before is this beyond VisualGDB’s capabilities?



    You can easily modify add support for a second SRAM as follows:

    1. Open VisualGDB Project Properties
    2. Go to the Makefile Settings page
    3. Locate the “Linker script” field and click “Copy to project directory”
    4. Edit the linker script
      1. Add another memory definition
      2. Add rules for placing contents of your SRAM2 sections into the new memory


    Let us know if you need more details.

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