Add new project file – start folder is always the root folder of the project

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Add new project file – start folder is always the root folder of the project

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  • #34911

    On STM32 project.

    I don’t use virtual folders – instead I use the windows directory structure.

    The problem is that if I want to add new project file in a specific folder, I always have to enter the folders location manually.

    Is there a way that the new file feature will take the folder’s location from the right click?




    Sorry, it’s hard to suggest anything definitive based on the description you provided. Please try attaching screenshots of the entire uncropped Visual Studio window showing the project you created, the menus you are using to add files, and the folder that is shown in the “Open file” dialog, and we can try to suggest how to alter it.

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