Absolute path in toolCahin replaced by $(ToolChainPath) in debug.mak

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Absolute path in toolCahin replaced by $(ToolChainPath) in debug.mak

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  • #20720

    In my customtoolchain file I am using absolute paths.

    In debug.mak those paths end up with $(Toolchain_Root)
    CC := $(TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)/bin/x86_64-nilrt-linux/x86_64-nilrt-linux-gcc.exe

    When I run the make command the $(toolchain_root) is replaced by “” ?

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sysprogs\VisualGDB\make.exe
    make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.

    Where is this $(ToolCahin_root) macro defined?



    This is by design. VisualGDB 5.3 and later does not store the toolchain location anywhere in the project files, letting you build your projects without modifications on computers with different toolchain locations. When building with VisualGDB, the TOOLCHAIN_ROOT variable is computed dynamically and set before invoking Make. If you want to run Make manually, you need to set TOOLCHAIN_ROOT explicitly (or hardcode it in the Makefile using the ?= syntax if you are OK with storing it there).

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